SNShortcutsDescriptions1Windows Key + RRun2F1Help3Ctrl + F1Hide / Unhide Ribbon4Crtl + ASelect the current Region or Select All5Ctrl + NNew Workbook6Shift + F11Insert New Sheet7Alt + E + LDelete Active Sheet8Ctrl + Spece BarSelect Entire Column9Shift + Spece BarSelect Entire Row10Ctrl + Shift + Spece BarSelect Entire Sheet or Region11Left AeroMove the active cell to the Down12Right AeroMove the active cell to Right13Down AeroMove the active cell to Down14Up AeroMove the active cell to the Right15Enter KeyMove the active cell to the Down16Shift + Enter KeyMove the active cell to the up17Tab keyMove the active cell to the Right18Shift + Tab KeyMove the active cell to the left19F2Edit active cell20Ctrl + WClose the workbook21Ctrl + OOpen22Ctrl + SSave23F12Save As24Ctrl + CCopy25Ctrl + XCut26Ctrl + VPaste27Ctrl + ZUndo28Ctrl + YRedo29Ctrl + BBold the Selection30Ctrl + 0Hide the Column31Ctrl + Shift + )Unhide the Column32Ctrl + 9Hide the row33Ctrl + Shift + (Unhide the Row34Ctrl + Aero KeyMove to the edge of the current data region in a worksheet.35Home KeyBeginning of the Row36Ctrl + HomeMove to the beginning of a worksheet.37Page UpMove one screen Up in a worksheet.38Page DownMove one screen down in a worksheet.39Alt + Page UpMove one screen to the left in a worksheet.40Alt + Page DownMove one screen to the Right in a worksheet.41Ctrl + Page UpMove to the previous sheet in a workbook.42Ctrl + Page DownMove to the next sheet in a workbook.43EscExit the floating shape navigation and return to the normal navigation